
Sector of the food industry that involves slaughtering, processing, preserving, storing and transporting livestock such as cattle, pigs and lambs, from farms to processing plants.

Clean and hygienic production areas are necessary to handle the daily challenges and Nilfisk FOOD low pressure cleaning solutions is the answer.

Daily Challenges

The vehicles used to transport animals to the processing areas need to be cleaned and disinfected after leaving a slaughterhouse and going to the next farm.

Feces present in the black – end areas need to be removed regularly.

All tools and machines used to process meat need to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to avoid contamination from bacteria present in the meat.

Effective dissolving and removal of fat, protein and blood – and at optimal water temperature.

Critical control points must be under strict monitoring and surveillance which necessitates a strict hygiene program using specific chemical detergents and water temperature.